When you start to drive your car, the first thing should come to your mind is either you are protected with Auto Insurance. Some country, having Auto Insurance is mandatory. If you don’t have it, you will get fined. Why should you get fined if you know that Auto Insurance is good for you? In fact, if you buy a car through bank or finance, they will ask you to buy Auto Insurance before they can lend you the money. The reason why they need you to buy Auto Insurance so that if anything happen to the car, they can get certain amount of money from the Auto Insurance company.
Basically there are 2 types of Auto Insurance coverage in the world. Normally there will divided it as Full coverage and Liability. For Auto Insurance full coverage, your can is full protected no matter who is a fault. This is a good offer because with Auto Insurance in hand, anything happen to the car, it will be protected by the Auto Insurance Company.
For Auto Insurance liability, it only cover the cost of the car that you have with in the accident.
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